

Check-in and registration

8:30am - 9am

Conference introduction, Shane Adamson and Ray Butler

9am - 9:20am

Keynote address. The 4 Pillars of Prevention: A Comprehensive Approach to Protecting Children from Pornography, Kristen Jenson

9:20am - 10:20am

Networking and exhibits

10:20am - 10:40am

Track A: Protecting Homes & Families. Porn & Parenting, Joe Madison of Love People, Not Pixels

10:40am - 11:40am

Track B: Healing Hearts. Understanding Trauma’s Impact on Addict, Partner and Couple Relationship, Jody VanDrimmelen, LCSW, Shane Adamson, LCSW, EFT, CSAT

Track C: Educating Community. A Generation’s Fight for Love, Corbin Lee of Fight the New Drug

11:40am - 12pm

Lunch*, networking, exhibits

12pm - 1:30pm

Panel discussion, audience engagement

The three action groups will be

  1. Parenting—Protecting families. Joe Madison & Kristen Jenson

  2. 3 Recoveries––Addiction, Partner, & Marriage. Shane Adamson & Jody VanDrimmelen

  3. Community Action. Dr. David Patterson

1:30pm - 2pm

Visit exhibitor booths, networking



*You can pre-order a box lunch when you purchase your conference ticket. You are also welcome to stay for an action group and plan to eat lunch later on your own.